Legacy Premium

Legacy Premium
Largest Serving Size in the industry – There is no other company that matches our 1 1/2 -2 cup serving size. Packages may look the same by number of servings, but serving sizes vary between companies. Larger servings means more calories, satisfied appetites and one of the best values for your investment.
Non-GMO – The customers of today are much more health conscious. Legacy is one of the few companies that can provide and ensure that each ingredient in our meals comes from a Non GMO source. Click here Legacy Non-GMO and Gluten Free Verification
Certified Gluten Free – Whether by choice or medically necessary, those who adhere to a gluten free lifestyle find gluten free storage foods hard to find in this industry. Legacy has created gluten free meals for those that need to adhere to this diet. Click here Legacy Non-GMO and Gluten Free Verification
Meal Variety – Legacy Meal Selection has one of the largest offerings in this industry with 4 amazing breakfasts and 19 fantastic entrees. There is no room for boredom with the Legacy Line. Each entree is specifically created for its own unique taste, making them stand out from each other, giving you a great variety.